MHE NMDS Data Entry Tool for 2011-2012

The 2011-2012 version of the MHE MDS Data Entry Tool (zip format, 580 kB) is available for download. If you are downloading this tool for the first time you will also require the “back end” database (zip format, 40 kB). Separating the user interface from the data store in this manner allows us to update the interface without overwriting your data. These files are distributed in zipped form. Extract them both to the same folder on your computer and open the MHE-NMDS-2011-2012-Interface.mdb file with Microsoft Access. NOTE If you have entered any data DO NOT extract the back end database ( file into the same directory as your old MHE NMDS database or you will lose your data.

The user guide (pdf format, 451 kB) is available for download.

Download files

Last modified: Friday, 06-10-2023, 03:41.